
Traditional medium

Portfolio of traditional medium examples including printmaking, charcoal, and graphite



2013, Mixed Media (Graphite and transfer print), 36” x 24”

Graphite on left, transfer print on right.

Transfer print technique: a simple printmaking practice created by scanning or photographing the original image, printing that image using an inkjet printer, and then applying a solution gently to the back of the printed image and pressing it using any large flat smooth object. This technique helped to produce the unique style of mark-making used in the right side this piece



2013, Graphitint pencil, 18” x 24”

This effect was created by hand drawing the portrait using graphitint pencil; a type of water-soluble, color-tinted, graphite that with the addition of water creates a watercolor-like effect making the color more vibrant or allowing the mark-making to become blended like that of a watercolor painting. Using this medium created the dripping/smudging effects used in this piece.

3 days

3 days

2013, 30” x 16” inkjet transfer print and graphite,

Three drawings of the same portrait, drawn once per day, over the course of three days. The concept was to explore how much we as humans change day to day or even hour to hour, therefore affecting who we are and how we are perceived at any given moment.

Family Tree

Family Tree

2013, graphite and watercolor, triptych mixed media set,

3-piece series illustrating addiction, alcoholism, and its role in genetics.

The silhouette used to frame each portrait is created in the image of an oak tree seed pod, otherwise known as a helicopter seed. These seedpods are designed by nature to allow the seeds to get as much space as possible between them and their parent trees. Distancing themselves from their parents’ shadow allows them access to sunlight and grants them the ability to grow and succeed on their own. Using this imagery attempts to illustrate the effects/degradation of addiction and alcoholism on the individual, and how addiction is often passed down through a families bloodline. This triptych was also designed to contrast the well-known saying “The Apple doesn't fall far from the tree” by using the oak seed pod silhouette and considering the meaning behind its specific design.

Layer Portrait Series

Layer Portrait Series

2014, Graphite and Charcoal, 60’’x 40’’

An experimental portrait series, created by using multiple images of the same subject drawn one on top of another, erased and recreated, and even destroyed. Using this method acts to capture more than a singular image or moment, and illustrates instead the multitude of moments and emotions that make up an individual.