
Kaylee Chappell is a Chicago-based, mixed-media artist focused primarily on portraiture. Kaylee was raised in Ann Arbor, MI, then moved to Grand Rapids MI, to receive her BFA at Kendall College of Art and Design. Not being able to choose just one area of focus, She majored in both Drawing and Printmaking and uses elements of both in her work as well as digital art techniques and photography.

Her eclectic approach to art is especially evident in her attention to mark-making, as well as her use of layers. By allowing visual evidence of these elements in her pieces, She purposely adds aspects of unpredictability to contrast the controlled detail and realistic depiction of the portraits.

Kaylee pulls inspiration from realism, expressionism, and surrealism. Her work focuses on capturing feeling or emotion to create a connection with the viewer. Aiming to capture both the beauty and darkness of the human experience.
